Author Archive


Bhangra and the taxi driver


Way back in 2003 after a night in a great club in Newcastle, I caught what seemed like an ordinary taxi. From the markings of the private hire trade magazine on the outside of the van, there was no mistaking it from a UK taxi. So we jumped in and the driver greeted us with a big smile. I told him that we were heading to Durham, and once he noticed my accent I think he instantly became in interested in having a conversation.

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I neglect Twitter

louis-fail-whaleThis morning I realized I had neglected Twitter over the past few weeks… well really, months. What happened? To tell the truth, I think it was partly due to the fact that my Twitter stream has become too much for me to follow. As I write this, I am at 497 on my following list. While that is no where near as many as some Twitter users have these days, I do try to follow everyone as much as I can, or at least I did. Funnily enough, have updated my Facebook page more than Twitter for the month of June.

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Happy with my direction

french-fryIt has taken me quite a while to figure out exactly what I wanted to do for the foreseeable future. After moving to this city, I thought I figured out what I wanted to do for a career. It wasn’t until I got a reality check on how fickle the private sector can be during this recession that I really started to look at all of my options. In a way, this recession has been more than just an eye opener for me. It has allowed me to assess what’s important to me, and where I want to be in the next 5, 10, and 15 years from now.

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Slap Chop Remix

vince-slapchopNot many can make it as an infomercial personality. To follow in the footsteps of the greats like Billy Mays, Ron Popeil, and Tony Little today, one requires not only talent and dedication, but to have the Internet create awesome Youtube videos them.

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Gimme five minutes with Chris Brown

chris-brown-rihannaMan… Chris. What in the world possessed you to raise your hand to any woman. I know there are some big, threatening women out there in which legally defending yourself may be the only realistic option, but Rihanna at 5 foot nothing is hardly that kind of woman.

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And the point of Twitter is?

When a friend asks you, “What is Twitter?” , how do you explain it to them? For me, that’s a tough question to answer. 


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Do The Potty Dance!

pull-ups-the-potty-dance-1So, are you telling me you haven’t heard of the new latest dance craze? No, this is not another Soulja Boy production. It’s actually a Pull-Ups dance contest that has turned into a pretty formidable viral marketing campaign within itself. It’s time to do the Potty Dance!


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Kate Nash – Nicest Thing

Kate Nash - Nicest Thing

You know, sometimes you hear a song that not only brings back memories of the past, but also is very relevant to your future. I was listening to Pandora and this song by Kate Nash came on. I stopped what I was doing, and just listened to the lyrics. I was left smiling.

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Friday Five: 03-06-09

Aoi Yuu - Friday Five

The Friday Five has been around almost as long as I have been blogging. During the early days of (2001-2002), I used to participate in the Friday Five almost religiously. While I believe it has changed hands a few times, the concept has remained the same. Every week, a new set of 5 questions are presented for bloggers to answer. 
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Pandora and Last.FM Mashup

Pandora Internet Radio

Recently, I have become a fan of Pandora Radio, the Internet radio station that discovers music for you. It has replaced, but not elimiated, my previous addiction to Winamp’s shoutcast radio. I still listen to a lot of JRock and dance stations such as French Kiss FM in Winamp, but the majority of my time is spent letting Pandora discover what I should be listening to.

There are many services out there that claim to recommend similar artist that you will love. What sets Pandora apart is that they are powered by an amazing project called the Music Genome Project. The MGE categorizes music based on about 400 attributes to describe songs and a super complex mathmetical algorithm to organize them.

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